decking over中文什么意思

发音:   用"decking over"造句
  • deck:    n. 1.甲板,舱板;覆盖物。 2. ...
  • over:     This hat cos ...
  • decking:    舱面; 分段装药法; 甲板被覆; 甲 ...
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  1. The requirements for decking over part of the existing tunnel portal area of whc are provided in annex 4 . 7 of volume two of ifp
  2. After an initial study , the government has identified 16 sections of nullahs that can be improved and formulated a long - term plan to deck over them in phases . of the 16 projects , eight will be completed in three years , four in six years and the remaining four in 10 years
  3. After an initial study , the government has identified 16 sections of nullahs that can be improved and formulated a long - term plan to deck over them in phases . of the 16 projects , eight will be completed in three years , four in six years and the remaining four in 10 years


  1. deckie 什么意思
  2. decking 什么意思
  3. decking (or deck covering ) 什么意思
  4. decking chain 什么意思
  5. decking gear 什么意思
  6. decking system 什么意思
  7. decking time 什么意思
  8. deckle 什么意思
  9. deckle board 什么意思
  10. deckle edge 什么意思


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